Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lacatan Banana Dessert

"Man is like a banana: when he leaves the bunch, he gets kinned."       -Proverb

Some say that eating banana is good to our body.  As per research, it give us more energy and help us become fit.  Good for depression, anemia, PMS, stress, stroke, heartburn, constipation, morning sickness, brain power and blood pressure. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium.
Photo Property of Hapee's Food Corner & dorcenkitchenette

Let me share you what I did in banana lacatan. I named this dessert recipe in my own "Lacatan Banana Dessert". I don't know if there is an existing recipe like what I did.  It's just came out to my mind then, since we in the house are all banana's fanatic ( I think we are all monkey's :) inside the zoo )


Peel off the ripe banana ( Lacatan )
  • Place fresh and clean lettuce as decoration in the plate
  • Arrange the banana according to your style
  • Pour the nestle cream until it look like coated
  • Add some flavors like peanut
  • Keep refrigerated  for an hour
banana lacatan, nestle cream, mashed peanut, lettuce, carrots (for additional toppings)
This kind of dessert even kids will enjoy to eat

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